Article I
Name: The name of the organization will be “Detroit Telangana Community” (hereinafter called “DTC”) and its initial website shall be It is a not-for-profit organization organized under the laws of the State of Michigan.
Article II
Purpose: The aims and objectives of DTC shall be as follows:
1. To provide a platform to promote and execute cultural, charitable, religious and literary activities and events of the Telangana community in the United States especially in the Metro Detroit Area.
2. To contribute to the socio-economic development of the people of Telangana Community residing in the United States.
3. To partner, collaborate and work together with other like-minded organizations around the world with similar objectives of DTC.
Article III
Membership: Membership is open to anyone who is over 18 years of age and who has a permanent address in state of Michigan which can be verified by any government issued ID. Every person seeking to be member should abide by the objectives and the Constitution of DTC. There shall be two categories of membership.
Annual Member:Annual membership can be obtained by paying a $25 membership fee to DTC. Membership is valid for the calendar year that the membership fee is paid to DTC. Membership to the DTC shall be open throughout the calendar year, and shall be renewable on a yearly basis with payment of the membership dues in full. For new members, membership registration and dues must be completed between January 1st to December 31st. Membership shall run from January 1st through December 31st of the same year. For returning members, the annual dues must be paid by March 31st of the same year. A failure to establish membership within the time allotted will result in the revoking of all membership rights, including voting privileges, for that calendar year
Life Member:Life membership can be obtained by paying a $125 membership fee to DTC. Such membership is valid for life. For all the members who are married, their spouse will automatically become members in the same category of the subscribing member.
Fees:The DTC annual and lifetime membership fees can be revised at any time by the Board of Trustees. However, such revision will be effective only for future memberships and will not alter the status of any existing members or their spouses.
Resignation:Any member may resign by filing a resignation in writing or electronically with the Secretary. However, such resignation shall not relieve the member so resigning of the obligation to provide accounts or other responsibilities entrusted to such member, and any membership dues paid will not be refunded.
Termination:The Board of Trustees, by affirmative vote of two-thirds (2/3) of all the members of the Board, may suspend or expel a member, and may, by a majority vote of those present at any regularly constituted meeting, terminate the membership of any member for acting against the interest of the organization which are described in detail in Article V.14.
The member or members being suspended or expelled should be given due notice to explain. For which the member has 30 days to respond. Then the Board must confirm or revoke the suspension of member based on his explanation.
Article IV
General Body
Composition:The members of DTC as defined in Article III constitute the General Body.
Function: The General Body shall elect the Board of Trustees as defined in Article V.
Meeting: The General Body will meet at least once a year to discuss various DTC affairs and review DTC committee reports including financial statement.
Special General Body Meeting:
- Special General Body meeting shall be called at any time upon request of at least 2/3rd of the official regular membership, or the simple majority of the Board of Trustees to discuss special issues.
- At least 60% of the current official regular membership shall be present to constitute a quorum for convening a Special General Body Meeting and conducting business therein.
- A special meeting is defined as a meeting to discuss any issues other than those listed in Clause IV – Meeting section.
Meeting Announcement:
- The date and time of a Special General Body Meeting shall be announced at least thirty (30) days in advance.
- For Special General Body Meeting the announcement shall be made through newsletter, e-mail, or on the DTC website.
- For Special General Body Meeting and/or Constitution amendment meeting the announcement shall be made in writing by mail and it will be mailed at least 15 calendar days prior to the meeting.
- Decisions of the General Body shall be taken by a simple majority of the members present, except for constitution amendment.
- A Special General Body meeting may be held at the time of Annual General Body meeting provided all requirements of a Special General Body Meeting are met.
Article V
Board of Trustees (BOT):
- The Board of Trustees is the policy-making body and may exercise all the powers and authority granted to the DTC by law and in general exercise all power necessary to promote the aims and purposes of DTC.
- The Board of Trustee shall consist of not less than twenty-one (21) members as defined in Article III in good standing who are duly elected by the life members. The term of each trustee shall be two (2) years which is defined as a full term. The Board of Trustees shall elect one of them as the Chairman of the Board for a term of one (1) year (hereafter called the “Chairman”).
- The term of the Board of Trustees shall commence in January of the calendar year and is effective for two (2) calendar years. In case a vacancy is filled in middle of the calendar year, his term will be decided at the induction, but in any case, not exceeding two years.
- Vacancies existing due to resignation, death, incapacity or removal of a member of the Board of Trustees before the expiration of his/her term shall be filled by a majority vote of the remaining trustees for the duration of the remaining term.
- A Board of trustee can’t serve more than two terms
- Any member seeking office as a Trustee shall have been a member for at least two (2) calendar years consecutively prior to the date of seeking election to be a trustee.
- The Board of Trustees shall meet at least once every two (2) months, either in person or through tele/video conference. In addition, the Chairman can call additional meetings of the Board of Trustees with written notice of at least three (3) days.
- The President will be elected by the Board of Trustees by majority vote for one (1) calendar year.
- The Chairman is the presiding member of the Board of Trustees and shall preside and moderate the meetings of the Board. He along with President will set the agenda for each meeting of the Board of Trustees. Any agenda item proposed by any Trustee and seconded by another Trustee will be included in the meeting. The agenda shall be furnished in writing to the trustees at least 48 hours before the scheduled meeting.
- A quorum shall consist of more than half of the Board of Trustees attending in person or through teleconferencing. All decisions will be by majority vote of these present at a meeting at which a quorum is present. If less than majority of the trustees is present at said meeting, a majority of the trustees present may adjourn the meeting without further notice.
- Any action required or permitted to be taken at a meeting of the Board of Trustees (excluding amendment of the constitution and bylaws) or of any other committee may be taken without a meeting if at least 2/3 of the members of the Board or committee consent in writing (including email/fax) to taking the action without a meeting and to approving the specific action. Such consents shall have the same force and effect as a unanimous vote of the Board of Trustees or of the committee.
- The Board of Trustees has the responsibility to see that the organization is working towards the objectives of DTC.
- The Board of Trustees or any other Committee members shall serve without any compensation from the organization. Every member will be serving the organization voluntarily. A member of the Board of Trustees may be reimbursed for any expenses incurred in the activities of the organization by providing documentary evidence and obtaining written approval by the Treasurer prior to the expense being incurred.
- Any member of the Board of Trustees may be removed from office for acting against the interest of the organization and/or for misuse of the position in the organization for personal aggrandizement or promoting personal interest (financial, political or other) through use of organization’s name in the news or visual media or with political establishment or misconduct. Such removal shall require a written notice by the Board of Trustees to the sanctioned member seeking explanation, discussion of such explanation at a Board of Trustees meeting and with the approval by a two-third (2/3) majority of removal of such member.
- Any Board of Trustee, who is absent for three consecutive meetings, or attended less than half of the meetings in a calendar year will be given notice as to why he can’t be removed from Board for dereliction of duty. Such member has two weeks to respond to the notice. If majority of the Board is not satisfied with the response, the Board of Trustee will be removed by majority vote of the Board.
- A board member who has served as both President and Chairman should leave the Board and has a privilege to join the Advisory Committee.
Roles and Responsibilities: The Board of Trustees shall have the following roles and responsibilities:
- To approve all major (>$1000) financial transactions involving matters of DTC.
- To make such rules, policies, and bylaws as may be necessary for the effective operation of DTC and the preservation of its property;
- To establish standing, advisory and ad-hoc committees;
- To determine the allocation and expenditure of DTC funds for the operation of Community activities upon approval of the annual budget by the Board of Trustees.
- To do whatever necessary (within the confines of the law) to fulfill the duties of the Board of Trustees and to achieve the stated objectives of DTC
Election of Board of Trustees:
An election shall be completed before end of the calendar year.
Election Committee:
The Election Committee shall consist of 3 members from Advisory Committee. The Election Committee will correspond regularly with the Chairman of the Board of Trustees throughout the election process.
Functions and Duties:
To gather and collect the names of nominees for the Board of Trustees. The deadline for nominations shall be established by the election committee. For lack of nominations received by the deadline, the Board of Trustees shall nominate the remaining vacant seats within ten (10) days after the deadline.
- To examine the eligibility of the nominees per the Constitution and Bylaws of DTC.
- To obtain the consent of each candidate;
- To confirm membership records and validate voter registration.
- To collect and tally the ballots cast by mail or otherwise for election at the end of a specified time and day.
- The election committee members shall not indulge or interfere with interpretation of the Constitution or the Bylaws.
- Any dispute regarding the election process shall be resolved by the Board of Trustees.
The Board of Trustees shall oversee and validate the election process.
- Annual Members and Life Members are eligible to vote only after completing one year of their respective membership. Annual Members should have paid at least two years dues consecutively to be able to vote.
- If candidates receive equal number of votes, the winner shall be determined with toss of coin by process of elimination.
- Those elected shall assume the responsibilities of office in January of the following year.
- The election committee will be dissolved after the validation of the election results.
- A member may vote by absentee ballot. All absentee ballots must be requested and return by mail by the dates announced by the election committee. A member who has mailed an absentee ballot shall not be allowed to vote in person unless the member return his/her absentee ballot.
Article VI
Executive Committee (EC):
- The Executive Committee will constitute of the President, President Elect, Secretary, Joint Secretary, Treasurer, Joint Treasurer and a Cultural Secretary
- The President elect will be elected by simple majority by the Board of Trustees. The President elect should be a Board of Trustee. The President-Elect should be elected in the month of October for the following calendar year.
- The President Elect will automatically assume the role of president the following year.
- The President will appoint the remaining members of Executive Committee. The remaining Executive Committee members need not be members of Board, but they should have served for at least one term in any of the standing committees.
- The President will be responsible for the execution of the various activities of the organization as formulated by the Board of Trustees. The President with the assistance of the Executive Committee will be responsible for implementation of the decisions made by the Board of Trustees.
- The President shall call the meetings of the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee may meet as many times as required to carry out the day-to-day operations of the organization.
The President shall have the following duties and responsibilities:
a) To act as the presiding officer at all meetings of the Board of Trustees.
b) To coordinate common activities/ interests with other communities;
c) To propose to the Board of Trustees the formation and membership of all committees, for approval by the Board of Trustees.
d) To review, and adopt in consultation with Board of Trustees, the agenda for all meetings of the Executive Committee.
e) To execute, authenticate and countersign such instruments and documents as prescribed by the Board of Trustees.
f) To perform such other duties and carry on such other responsibilities as may be prescribed by the Board of Trustees.
g) To review, bi-annually, every committee and its chairperson for effectiveness of their work, keeping in mind the possibility of removal due to negligence, and reporting these findings to the Board of Trustees.
The President Elect, in the absence of the President, will take up all the responsibilities of the President. Further, he will assist the President in accomplishing his tasks.
The President Elect shall have the following duties and responsibilities:
a) To officiate as President when for any reason the sitting President is unable to perform his/her duties and responsibilities;
b) To undertake such special assignments as may be assigned by the President.
The Secretary shall be responsible for keeping and maintaining all the records of the organization. He will correspond with other official and non-official entities on behalf of the organization. He will also maintain the minutes of the meetings of the Board of Trustees and the Executive Committee and circulate such minutes among the members of the Board of Trustees. The Secretary shall have the following duties and responsibilities.
a) To record the minutes of all General Body meetings, Board of Trustees proceedings and maintain and distribute copies thereof as required by the Board of Trustees.
b) To prepare and distribute the prescribe notice of all meetings.
c) To maintain an updated list of current DTC members.
d) To keep and maintain all records and documents of DTC.
e) To issue the annual report of DTC and such other reports as may be required by the Board of Trustees.
f) To perform such other duties as may be required by the Board of Trustees.
- The Joint Secretary, in the absence of the Secretary, will take up all the responsibilities of the Secretary. Further, he will assist the Secretary in accomplishing his tasks.The Joint Secretary shall have the following duties and responsibilities:
a) To officiate as Secretary when for any reason the sitting Secretary is unable to perform his/her duties and responsibilities;
b) To undertake such special assignments as may be assigned by the Secretary.
- The Treasurer will be responsible to regulate all financial aspects of the organization. He will publish a financial statement at the end of year and after every major event where the cost of the event exceeds $1000.The Treasurer shall have the following duties and responsibilities:
a) To maintain the funds of DTC.
b) To keep proper books of account of DTC money and issue receipts for collection of money.
c) To provide financial reports detailing incomes and expenses to the Board of Trustees.
d) To pay out funds belonging to DTC for the purposes specified by the Board of Trustees on a proper order signed by the President. The disbursement of the funds shall require the Treasurer and any other officer’s signature.
e) To deposit the funds of DTC in a financial institution as selected by the Board of Trustees. Such deposits will be made in the name of DTC.
f) To submit to the Board of Trustees annually, or more frequently if the Board of Trustee so requires, a financial report of DTC.
g) To prepare the annual budget for the following fiscal year (January-December).
h) To explore and propose various means of developing the financial basis of DTC.
- The Joint Treasurer, in the absence of the Treasurer, will take up all the responsibilities of the Treasurer. Further, he will assist the Treasurer in accomplishing his tasks.
a) To officiate as Treasurer when for any reason the sitting Treasurer is unable to perform his/her duties and responsibilities;
b) To undertake such special assignments as may be assigned by the Treasurer.
- The President with the help of the executive committee will transfer all the tangible and intangible assets of the DTC to the incoming President in the month of December.
Article VII
Standing Committees:The President shall appoint following committees as needed to achieve specific objectives in furthering the organization’s interests or in accomplishing specific tasks. Whenever these committees are appointed specific written resolutions are needed to be communicated by President to the Board. Any committee including Executive Committees’ term will expire when the first-year term of the Board of Trustees expires. The Board of Trustees shall formulate the role for the following proposed committees:At least one member of the Board of Trustees shall involve in the committees to make sure that the committees act within the constitution provisions.
Membership Committee
- Finance Committee
- Cultural Committee
- Web Committee
- Food Committee
- Sports Committee
- Bathukamma Committee
The Board of Trustees may approve additional committees for the purposes of organizing/conducting events. However, the term of any committee will expire in the calendar year. The Board of Trustees exercises the authority to dissolve any committee earlier than the expiration of the calendar if continuation is no longer of value to the organization.
Article VIII
Advisory Committee (AC): Advisory Committee is an autonomous body which has responsibility towards the Detroit Telangana Community. It consists of most dedicated members of the organization such as Founding Members, Past Presidents and Past Chairmen. The total head count in Advisory Committee not to exceed nine (9) people. The past presidents and chairmen will be part of this team after completing their tenure in EC and Board. When these two (2) new members join, the AC team the existing team members would be out of this team on FIFO (First In First Out) after the total members in this committee reach to 9 members. However, if any member stays inactive for two (2) years or more, then he/she loses their membership. Current Chairman and the current President would work closely with this AC to discuss the goals, vision and any other short/long term strategies as needed. This body does not have any executive authority in the organization. This is just an arbitrary committee and this body can enquire and provide guidance directly either to Executive Committee and/or Board of Trustees to protect the interests of Detroit Telangana Community. If any resolution of the dispute is not satisfied by the action of the Board of trustees, then that matter can be taken up by Advisory Committee. The Advisory Committee would investigate the matter and issue a written resolution to Board of Trustees. Any decision needs to be made either in BOD and EC should be referred to AC when there is no two-thirds (2/3s) of majority for the final decision.
Article IX
Nomination Committee: The Board of Trustees shall form a Nomination Committee three months before the end of the calendar year which will oversee the process of nomination or elections if needed. Such committee shall set guidelines, seek nominations, screen nominations, evolve consensus and suggest induction of new board of trustees. If consensus couldn’t be arrived and an election is warranted, then the procedures and format of elections will be drafted by the Nomination Committee and be referred to an Election Committee which is described in Article V.
Article X
Indemnification: Every member, Board of Trustees, officer of the organization (former or current) may be indemnified by the organization against all expenses and liabilities, including counsel fees, reasonably incurred or imposed upon such members of the board, officer or employee in connection with any threatened, pending, or completed action, suit or proceeding to which she/he may become involved by reason of his/her being or having been a member of the board, officer or employee of the organization, or any settlement thereof, unless adjudged therein to be liable for negligence or misconduct in the performance of his/her duties. Provided, however, that in the event of a settlement the indemnification herein shall apply only when the Board of Trustees approves such settlement and reimbursement as being in the best interest of the organization. The foregoing right of indemnification shall be in addition and not exclusive of all other rights which such member of the Board, officer or employee is entitled.
Article XI
Amendments: This Constitution can be amended with the approval of a 2/3rd majority vote of the Board of Trustees or a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the General Body.
- Any proposed amendment to the DTC Constitution shall be in writing and mailed to the regular membership at least thirty (30) days prior to the meeting at which the proposed amendments are to be voted on.
- Proposed amendments from any regular member of the General Body shall be submitted in writing to the Board of Trustees at least two (2) months before the General Body meeting in which they are to be presented. Proposed amendments shall not be taken from the floor.
- Amendments to the DTC Constitution shall require the approval of two-thirds (2/3) of the General Body.
- Records of these amendments are to be maintained by the Secretary.
Article XII
Omissions:In case of any ambiguity or omission of any rule in this constitution, The Roberts rule of order will be followed.
Article XIII
Dissolution:In the event of dissolution of DTC organization, the funds and other assets of the DTC, after defraying all outstanding debts and liabilities shall be distributed only to a not for profit 501(c)(3) approved organization, as seen fit by the Board of Trustees, by a simple majority vote